Thursday, February 24, 2011

R.I.P. Dwayne McDuffie

I met Dwayne McDuffie in Detroit at a comic book show way back in 1993, just about 8 months or so before I started working in this business.  I was showing work around, and I was having a bit of a hard time getting anyone to take a look.  Mr. McDuffie was reviewing someone's portfolio as I walked by, so I very quickly got in line and waited.  When I got a chance to show him my work I learned more in a few minutes than I had in months.  Nobody else ever broke down the simple rules of basic storytelling and composition for me better.  He was patient, open, and he gave it all to me straight without any flowery nonsense.  It made me a better artist, and it helped me keep pushing on to my goal.  I'm eternally grateful, and it took me a long time to get the chance, but I was finally able to thank him not that long ago. 

He was a great professional, and he will be missed. 



jeffrey said...

Sad news for the industry again...

Nerön Navarrete said...

Hi Dave,
sorry for this lost.

I´m from Colombia, my name is César and i didn´t know your work.
I have to say, is so awesome, i´m just starting my comics collection but i´m gonna find something your.

How can i get your video of dynamic figure drawing?
is really imposible to get here, in my country, but i think is the most usefull tool for a begginer as me.

Thanks a lot for your help, and keep strong.

william hartman said...

Well researched Online Digitizing